Renton History Museum

Annual Report for Committed History Museum

This local museum celebrates the history of the city of Renton, WA, a suburb of Seattle. While displaying a variety of rotating exhibits, they also hold events to include diverse people of all ages and participate in the community.


The museum’s home is an historic Art Deco firehouse built under the WPA in 1942. Supported in part by Renton Historical Society, it serves the local community not only with displays, but by preserving objects and photographs central to area history.

Brand Design

Pritchard Design has designed a number of pieces for the museum – informational exhibit posters, promotional flyers and banners, and the annual report. Each piece is generated around the museum’s mission and commitment to history and inclusion.


The colorful annual report displays photographs from the year’s events and exhibits, highlighting the people involved in creating and enjoying them. Informational areas are depicted graphically to draw readers in.

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Renton Museum Identity

The Renton History Museum needed informational materials that combined small-city intimacy with big-city excitement. Pritchard Design incorporated the museum’s own historical photos with more contemporary fonts and colors to create an immediate link between respect for the city’s past and its hopes for the future.

Renton History Museum Two by Two Exhibit

Two by Two Exhibit

The Two by Two exhibit displayed historic objects paired with their contemporary versions by Renton High Honors English students. Pritchard Design created promotional materials that reflected the energy of these young people.

Exhibit Murals

For another exhibit that involved Renton High students, Pritchard Design created simulated graffiti which was placed on exhibit walls with removable vinyl.

Exhibit Mural Closeup

Highlights included student images and statements.

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